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Vol. XXXI No. 18, January 1-15, 2022
Yet another December has just got over. And with it the curtains come down on the December Music Season as well. Given the chaos that is ongoing owing to multiple COVID 19 strains it is a wonder that a music season happened at all and so we need to be thankful that it did. After all, this is one of the principal contributing factors to the UNESCO giving Chennai a creative city tag. But the dependence on a miniscule target audience in a pandemic-ridden year is throwing up various structural weaknesses that the art may do well to address if it wants to survive.
Audiences in 2021 were a divided lot. Those from abroad largely remained abroad. For a season that depends heavily on the NRI presence this was bad though many of those living in foreign lands did buy tickets to watch performances online. Several of the locals chose to stay away as well – the fear of infection probably proved a deterrent especially in this art where the target audience is largely elderly. The organisers were divided as well – some chose to present exclusive online content, others had physical events and then there was a third group that having oscillated between virtual and physical events, plumped for a bit of both. The response to all of this has been mixed at best.
Every December, the Marina beach is made temporarily accessible to the differently-abled for a week to mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This year, the Greater Chennai Corporation’s arrangements come after a prolonged gap – disabled citizens will enjoy the sea and sand after a long interval of two years, with the pandemic and heavy showers playing spoilsport.
Let me begin by tracing my brief association with Laxman. When I started my advertising career with Clarion Advertising Bombay as a Junior Account Executive in 1964, the late Mr. S.A. Venkatraman (ICS retd.) was my first client.
It was in the 1980s that Sujatha Vijayaraghavan, then Manager at the SBI, wrote this article on the SBI’s main office at First Line Beach, Madras. A landmark building if there ever was one, it is now a sadly burnt out shell, awaiting restoration, of which there has been no sign for over many years now. The article is being carried as it was written, with no changes made to reflect the present situation. It gives you an idea as to what has been lost.
A recent train trip to visit my daughter in Coimbatore brought about many nostalgic memories for our family. I was aware all along that our ancestors led very enterprising lives and many created milestones in their careers. Even though I had interacted with some of them in my younger days, it never crossed my mind to delve deeper into their personal and academic life. This visit to Coimbatore brought back some memories, fuelled also by my siblings. My sister from Pondicherry immediately jumped at this opportunity and joined us in Coimbatore after a few days. So, here is the story.