Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers for India under R.N.I 53640/91
Vol. XXV No. 21, February 16-29, 2016
Listed as being of Grade 2 a (significant historic, cultural and architectural merit) by the High Court of Madras, D’Angeli’s hotel was the site where Spencer’s began life as Durrant’s in 1863. The space was acquired by Giocomo D’Angeli and his hotel came up in 1908.
Our old (top) shows it in all its glory. Our not-so-new (above) is from the 1960s when it was still a hotel and after being Bosotto’s became the Airline’s Hotel, owned by the Indian Express Group. It then suffered several changes of hands and eventually wound up as a warren of shops of which Bata was the most famous. It was demolished two years ago and the site remains empty as of now. Our New was taken while the demolition was in progress.