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Vol. XXVII No. 11, September 16-30, 2017
The MIDAS Architecture College students’ exhibition site at the Pallavaram santhai.
Madras Week events organised by Xavier Benedict of (AARDE) included an exhibition organised by MIDAS Architecture College and a whole day event in Pulicat.
The MIDAS Urban Initiative (MUI) featured exhibitions organised in two locations where Urban Design Studio sheets by the final year B.Arch students of the College were displayed. The sheets were based on the students’ study of Grand South Trunk (GST) Road transit corridor from Pallavaram to Tambaram done in July-August/2017. The study on which 110 students worked, was based on various parameters – socioeconomic, history, built-form, transportation, physical-study, vegetation, urban-elements, etc. The study was analysed and few proposals were made by the students.
The whole-day exhibitions were organised at the Pallavaram Santhai one day and at the Tambaram Railway Station on the next. The public was asked to review the study and proposals. The students plan to submit the final outcome of the studio-work to the Corporation of Chennai in October.
The Pulicat ‘explorers’ with the 25th milestone of the Buckingham Canal. The zero milestone is at Basin Bridge
Trace Origin of Madras @ Pulicat was an all-day event in Pazhaverkadu organised by the AARDE Foundation. 39 participants from Chennai spent the whole day in Pulicat. The tour started with a one-hour presentation by Xavier Benedict on the Natural-Built-Cultural Heritage of Pulicat which was followed by a walk around Pulicat visiting the Dutch Cemetery, a church, the Adinarayana Perumal Temple, a Mosque, the Lighthouse (which they climbed for a 360O view of the lagoon and the sea), the 25th Canal milestone, and Dutch Street. The participants further learnt about Pulicat history from the exhibits displayed at the Pulicat Interpretation Centre (AARDE Pulicat Museum). A demonstration of palm-leaf craft was what attracted the participants most.