Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers for India under R.N.I 53640/91
Chennai Heritage was started in 1999 and is a registered company under Sec 25 of the Companies Act.
The objectives of the Company are to take up studies, activities and projects for preserving art and culture, conservation and restoration of heritage buildings and precincts, protection of the natural environment and enhancing civic responsibilities in Metropolitan Chennai. Its objectives also include providing financial support to persons or organisations working in these areas and to promote educational activities and hold conferences and seminars. Further, it prints or publishes journals and periodicals for the promotion of its objectives.
The first directors of the Company were Mr. S. Muthiah, Mr. M. V. Subbiah, Mr. N. Sankar and Ms. Tara Murali. Ms. Tara Murali stepped down in 2007. Mr. Sriram V. and Ms. Sushi Natraj joined the Company that year. The major activity of the Company from 1999 to date has been to finance Madras Musings, a periodical representing Chennai and its heritage, and distribute it to the interested citizens of Chennai.
The other activities Chennai Heritage has undertaken include sponsoring a study of Thiruvanmiyur Temple Tank and its precincts by INTACH – Tamil Nadu Chapter to evaluate whether this degraded open space could be restored as community open space.
Chennai Heritage has also supported INTACH – Tamil Nadu Chapter to bring out a film, made by IRIS Productions, as a tool to convey the message to the public.
In 2003, the Madras University decided to restore the historic Senate House for its 150th year celebrations to be held in December 2005. Chennai Heritage wrote to and organised meetings of corporates in this connection and the Company is proud to state that over Rs. 2.5 crores were raised for the project due to its efforts. In recognition of its efforts, a nominee of Chennai Heritage was made a member of the Senate House Trust.
In 2006, Chennai Heritage sponsored a series of talks on different subjects connected to the city as part of the Madras Day celebrations. This activity has continued ever since. This year, Chennai Heritage also hosted a presentation on the Sabarmati River Front Development Project for the benefit of senior Government functionaries and captains of industry, to help deliberate on the possibilities of similar action on the river fronts of the Adyar, the Cooum and the Buckingham Canal.
Presently 18 Corporate Houses of the city support Chennai Heritage and its activities.