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Vol. XXVI No. 03, May 16-31, 2016
Till May 31: Exhibition of paintings and drawings by Veerasanthanam (at DakshinaChitra)
Till June 10: Movement of the Edge – A Point of View, an exhibition of paintings by Rajeev Kumar & Manish Nai. Rajeev and Manish use ideas of history and look at their roots in sophisticated renderings. Rajeev uses his dramatic calligraphy as an expression while Manish looks at his own family history on his association with the material “jute” and his connections with it (at Apparao Galleries).
Till July 25: What a Colour – Watercolours, collection of water colours. The fluidity of water along with the drama of colour in a series of works where artists have explored many facets of the medium is what this entire show is all about (at Apparao Infinity).
Till July 31: The Moon City & The Sun Dream by Bhavna Sonawane & N. Ramachandran (at Apparao Galleries, The Leela Palace).
May 21: Card Modelling workshop for children (at DakshinaChitra)