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Vol. XXVII No. 21, February 16-28, 2018

Our Reader write

Amendments ignored

After the 73th and 74th Amendments to the Constitution, it is mandatory that elections to the local bodies from Panchayats to Corporation (MM, February 1st, 2018) are held without fail. Tamil Nadu is the only State that violates the Constitutional obligation. It is a right of citizens to have his or her elected representative in these bodies. It is tragic that people are least concerned about this sorry state of affairs. Even after the High Court has given directions to the State Election Commission to hold the elections, the Commission seems to have no intention to act on the direction.

The schedules attached to the above-mentioned amendments have assigned specific tasks to the local bodies. It is tragic that Tamil Nadu under both the Dravidian parties has chosen not to empower the local bodies. People are kept far from agencies that are to serve them.

S.S. Rajagopalan
30, Kamarajar Street , Chennai 600 093

At the Jewish Cemetery in Madras


Your article (MM, February 1st) came out when we were visiting our cemetery on Lloyd’s Road and discussing the Jewish presence in Chennai with two BBC journalists, who are doing research on the Jewish presence in Chennai.

My photograph shows the last Jews of Madras (myself and members of the Gershon family, Kerala Jews who look after the Cemetery) with one of the BBC journalists.

The cemetery is now being well-kept.

Davvid Levi

Corporation deterioration

Where is our Corporation (MM February 1st, 2018) is indeed a timely reminder to all concerned of the void in the third tier of the administration plaguing Chennai City. The local body is the essential grassroot organisation that should ensure the basic needs of the citizens in their day-to-day life. It is unfortunate that the civic body that was responsible for the clean environment remains dormant despite the prevailing loud noise of Swachch Bharath.

The schools, health centres, libraries and parks managed by the Corporation were of immense benefit. to the local residents. There was even effective midwife assistance. The corporation also provided entertainment through bands playing in the parks.

The politicisation of the local bodies is perhaps the reason for the deterioration of the standards of local bodies. The landmark Ripon Building should remain a white house instead of being tarnished with political colours. The Corporation should be a typical residents’ welfare association rather than an institution performing under a political mandate with all the distractions and disruptions resultant to political rivalry.

14/16 Gopalapuram Third Sreet, Chennai 600 086

The long wait

A propos City’s open spaces needing better use (MM, Jan 16th), the over eight-acre Thiru Vi Ka Park in Shenoy Nagar is in danger of being swallowed up by construction after construction.

After it was unceremoniously closed in 2011 for the Chennai Metro to construct its underground rail, its station and other entry and exit buildings, there is a new threat – the plans of the CMRL to build a 21,000 sq. ft., two-tiered underground facility for passenger amenities and parking of vehicles. The authorities promise that after two years the ages-old park would be restored.

The restoration is overdue, as the initial agreement was to restore the Park after the Metro was operational, which happened in May 2017.

T.K. Srinivas Chari

PO nostalgia 1

The mobile post office article (MM, February 1st, 2018) reminded me that when we lived in Edward Elliot’s Road (near City Centre, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai), we had the opportunity to go either to Marina or Luz, both equidistant, depending on the readiness of the article and the time to commute.

The unit was well lit and nobody would fail to notice the silvery grill windows. There would be a scramble who posts first and stands first in the queue for buying postal articles.

I would always pray to go to Marina to catch the mobile unit along with my father for the additional attraction of eating snacks at Murudi’s cafe mobile van, and hear the All India Radio from the high mast speakers.

Those days will never return.

Arumugam P.K.

PO nostalgia 2

The article on mobile post offices (MM, February 1st, 2018) made me wonder how many young school going children today have noticed the red post boxes in their localities and have used them.

The mobile PO No 1 used to stop in the Marina at the Corner of Pycroft’s Road and Beach Road on the Beach Road platform by the side of the compound wall of Presidency College.

Gp Capt JR Arunachalam VSM (Retd)
62, Jal Vayu Vihar, Madambakkam, Chennai 600 126

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