Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers for India under R.N.I 53640/91
Vol. XXXIII No. 22, March 1-15, 2024
This was the standard heading that the late Chief used whenever he had to publish atrociously spelt English. The first as far as we can remember was a photo by Harry Miller of a wall that carried the message – Do not Uran Hare. All of this came rapidly to mind when your Deputy Editor had to trudge all the way to Nemmeli for an event. But all fatigue vanished when the banner in the accompanying photograph was seen. It was too good to resist taking a picture of. And this is our NEW.
Our OLD, taken in 2011 and featured in our issue of April 1 to 15 that year, is a of a sign at the Mandaiveli MRTS Station.