Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers for India under R.N.I 53640/91
Vol. XXXIII No. 24, April 1-15, 2024
Attached is a photograph of an advertisement banner for a film right in the middle of the pavement outside “Bhattad Towers” on Westcott Road, Royapettah. This was clicked at about 6.30 this morning.(Jan 11, 2024)
During our morning walks we have encountered all manner of obstructions and impediments on the pavement between our residence and Wesley High School. But this one really takes the cake!
All of which makes one wonder whether the Greater Chennai Corporation should change the script of the totally useless signboards locted all over the City to read “Nadai paathai nadappatharkka?..”
3/1, Rams Kesari Kuteeram
22, Westcott Road
Royapettah, Chennai 600 014
Reading through Tracing Madras, in MM, March 1, 2024, the captivating narrative of Higginbothams, my memory went back to 1967, when I ordered two books from Annamalainagar. They informed me that these were to be imported, one from Oxford University Press, UK and the other from NASA, USA. Accordingly they imported them without asking for any advance deposit and posted them in VPP, surprisingly at no extra cost of import and other service charges! We had a HB stall in Chidambaram Railway Station to serve the academic community of Annamalai University. I had other occasions to avail of their excellent services. That is the Higginbothams till today.
Prof. S. Sathikh
Former VC, University of Madras
B-3, AJ (Mathura) Flats
17A, Damodarapuram Main Road, Adyar 600 020
Medical doctors recommend that senior citizens in 60 plus age group should do exercise everyday to the extent possible. It is generally believed that walking is the best form of exercise. In his autobiography, Mahatma Gandhi has concurred with this view.
Accepting this medical suggestion, most senior citizens go for a walk atleast for 40 minutes everyday. For a healthy walking exercise, clean and pure air-filled atmosphere is preferred. Today, there are not adequate number of parks in Chennai for brisk walking by senior citizens. Therefore, most of them have to walk on the streets where traffic would be less. However, the problem is in many of the streets, there are a number of stray dogs moving around.
Myself and my wife walk in the 6th Cross Street near the post office every evening from one end to another for 40 minutes There are around 10 stray dogs permanently loitering in this street. Suddenly, on one evening, a barking stray dog rushed towards me and I was frightened. Being a senior citizen, I was not in a position to run away with the speed that was needed. Therefore, I had no alternative other than just remain standing, as the dog was approaching. Fortunately, the dog appeared to have been impressed with my “stoic posture”, looked at me with piercing eyes and then moved away leaving me unhurt.
I suggest that all senior citizens walking on the streets carry a stick with them, to defend themselves to the extent possible, in case of being confronted with a stray dog. There seems to be no other way, since it appears that Chennai Corporation has given up its battle against stray dogs.
I live in 4th Cross Street in Besant Nagar and in my street too there are four or five stray dogs. Every night, between 2 am and 4 am, the dogs start barking loudly, in what appears to be a chorus. This disturbs the sleep and lack of sleep can create health issue for senior citizens like me. Therefore, when I go to bed everyday, I keep both my ears closed with a piece of cotton, which is not sufficient but still helps in reducing the intensity of the dog’s bark.
I suggest that all senior citizens also try this experiment , if they too would be disturbed in the night by the barking of the dogs.
Nandini Voice for The Deprived
I captured this building on my mobile (on left) during my 2022 Bookfair at YMCA Nandanam.
Just thougt i should bring this to your kind notice. Your magazine is doing a wonderful job on protecting our rich heritage building in Madras. Our future generation may not be lucky enough to see them as they may disappear anytime.
Thanks once again for the splendid work you and your team are doing.
Thilakan Selvanayagam
My first Headmaster was one Mr. Suryanarayana Sastigal who had a beautiful hand. He advised me that the blackboard should be as clean and beautiful as I would expect the students keep their notebooks. Further when you leave the class, clean the BB, not giving the teacher who come for the next period to do it. Funnily he said that no other teacher should correct the spelling and grammar mistakes you had made.
Dr. S.S.Rajagopalan
30, Kamarajar Street
Chennai 600093