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Vol. XXVI No. 10, September 1-16, 2016
Till September 30: Faces of Creativity, an art exhibition by Yusuf Arakkal. Showcasing 135 Indian artists’ portraits from Amrita Sher Gil to the present, including the work of the artists from the South like Santhanaraj, Dhanapal, Adimoolam, Haridasan and others. (at DakshinaChitra.)
September 10: R. Gopu will speak on Babington’s Surprise – The Third Rajasimha inscription at Mamallapuram. The talk is about an inscription in ‘Rustic Nagari’ script at a mandapa in the Tiger Cave area of Mamallapuram, in addition to two well-known inscriptions there in Pallava Grantha and Nagari. At Madras Literary Society, 11.00 a.m. Members free. Rs. 50 for non-members.