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Vol. XXVI No. 20, February 1-15, 2017

Dates of your Dairy

Till February 22: Exhibition of flowers by Mi Yeon Kim who practises the art of Oriental painting and sketching. (At InKo Centre, Boat Club area.)

February 15-March 15: Embrace our Rivers – Public. Art. Awareness programme initiated by the Goethe Institut, Chennai, in association with several partners to establish an emotional and techno-social connects between the Cooum and the people, the abiotic and biotic stakeholders, through the medium of art and technology.
Its single objective is to rejuvenate the river Cooum and integrate it in the larger canvas of the City’s eco-scape. The programme aims to achieve the objective through various activities involving different sections of society.

The innovative focus will be on contemporary art forms and displays created by more than 20 artists of eminence from India and abroad, including Germany, France, Korea, and Nether-lands. Each of the artistic exhibits will connect, convey and demonstrate the social, technological or engineering principle related to one or more aspects of water and the river Cooum. Other activities will include performances, school and college outreach programmes, eco-walks, guided tours to temples and cultural sites along the Cooum. (Venue: Cooum Estuary, Marina Beach, Napier Bridge and Periyar Bridge.

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