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Vol. XXVIII No. 2, May 1-15, 2018

Dates for your Diary

May 5-7: Marx Matters, commemorating Karl Marx’s 200th Birthday. Talks, film and book release (at Goethe-Institut, Max Mueller Bhavan, Chennai. 5th and 6th -7 p.m.; 7th – 4.30 p.m).

May 9-10: Existing Realities – II – an exhibition of paintings by S.A.V. Elaiyaraja & S.A.V. Elaiyarajabarathy (at DakshinaChitra).

May 18: Celebrating Museum Day – Jasmin Eppert will speak about the Zeigenbalg Museum in Tarangambadi, which she curates. She will also highlight the involvement of the local community to this project (at DakshinaChitra).

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