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Vol. XXXIII No. 11, September 16-30, 2023
The future of Bharath Insurance Building suddenly seems to have brightened up. After mouldering away as a roofless shell for over a decade and practically given up as a lost cause by heritage activists, the structure is all set for restoration. This is probably the best gift that the city could have had during Madras Month. Information on the conservation project has come from the current owners of the property – the Life Insurance Corporation of India. They were responding to an article that had appeared in The Hindu dated August 29, 2023, drawing attention to the pathetic state of the building. In their response, the LIC has stated that the architectural firm of Pithavadian and Associates has been commissioned to take up the restoration, which they hope will be complete in 18 months. While that seems an ambitious target for a building that has been devoid of maintenance for years, we thank the LIC for this response and wish this project the very best. May the building be the crest jewel of our city. Our OLD shows the edifice as it was in its glory, as Kardyl Buildings. Our NEW shows what it is now.