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Vol. XXXIII No. 18, January 1-15, 2024

Heritage Watch: ‘Beautifying’ The Marina

Driving by the beach the other day, this rockery caught your deputy editor’s eye. While much of the beach is in a shambles, this entirely artificial creation seems to be flourishing. You would normally expect anything put by a previous regime to be neglected by its successor in our State but not so this rockery. It was gleaming in the sunlight and further enquiry revealed that it is a working fountain in the evening.

The rest of our beach however is not so fortunate. The sands are quite dirty and the number of food stalls seems to have increased quite a bit. Stray dogs have therefore multiplied too, as have pigeons. The latter are a direct consequence of morning feeders who spread grain on the beach. While we have nothing against strays and birds, some control is advisable. It is ironic that the State Government is forever spending money on beautifying the Marina when it is neglecting what really would beautify the place – allowing Nature to flourish.

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